RevBase White Papers.
RevBase is built on knowledge and insight from our extensive experience with Marketing Asset Management. Learn more about this important space and how you can improve the way you manage all your marketing assets.
10 Signs You Need Marketing Asset Management
Understand the 10 signs that show when Marketing Asset Management (MAM) is necessary; the critical importance of good infrastructure; and the difference the right MAM system makes for marketing and sales teams.
Automating Compliance Documents
How life science, pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device and diagnostics companies automate technical documents and product certificates.
It’s Time for Marketing Asset Management
The importance of good infrastructure; 10 signs you need Marketing Asset Management; how MAM helps marketers
Making it Personal
The value of personalization in marketing; common personalization challenges marketers face; best practices in technology solutions that enable personalization and customization
Marketing Asset Management Grows Up
How leading companies integrate marketing assets with ERP and CRM; examples of successful integration; what’s ahead in marketing automation, to streamline marketing and sales processes
Marketing Assets Without Borders
Using technology to more efficiently share marketing assets across global operations; why traditional ways to fulfill requests for digital assets are no longer acceptable; the business case for MAM
Marketing Portals That Deliver
Providing great sales support in B2B marketing at a time of shrinking budgets and leaner staff; a new approach for a new reality; 6 characteristics of a marketing portal that delivers